Its been a while - a long while - since I posted anything on my blog, which is funny because so much has happended since my last post. Rather than writing, here's a photo overview of the last few months.

After WEFTEC, I defended my PhD. We have a tradition in the Morgenroth research group of making PhD hats. The current group members put a menagerie of stuff on the hat that represents graduates grad school experience. Memories on my PhD hat were: my trip to France to learn image analysis, the demolition derby, my jiu jitsu training, my color changing reactors, my worms, membranes and a mixing impeller, my scooter, my small car worth of peristalic pumps and off course Cafe Kopi.

Jeff and I went hiking at Silver Falls to see the fall colors.

We visited my Grandfather in Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving.

Jeff and I made christmas cookies.
I did my first science fair project as a freshman in high school on a wastewater organism called a water bear. Here I am at 30 in front of my (award winning) WEFTEC poster, which was about another wastewater organism - those aquatic earthworms. On a somewhat unrelated side note - I signed up to judge the Oregon State Science Fair in April recently.

After WEFTEC, I defended my PhD. We have a tradition in the Morgenroth research group of making PhD hats. The current group members put a menagerie of stuff on the hat that represents graduates grad school experience. Memories on my PhD hat were: my trip to France to learn image analysis, the demolition derby, my jiu jitsu training, my color changing reactors, my worms, membranes and a mixing impeller, my scooter, my small car worth of peristalic pumps and off course Cafe Kopi.
Jeff and I went hiking at Silver Falls to see the fall colors.
We visited my Grandfather in Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving.
Jeff and I made christmas cookies.
The pacific northwest (and the rest of the country) had a record weather pattern and Portland got a rare 4 inches of snow. The city is covered in white lights and decorated for Christmas, so wandering in the snow was like a winter wonderland. Jeff and I did lots of Christmas shopping on foot then stopped at El Gaucho for hot buttered rums and dinner. It was a magical day. That's our apartment building on the right next to the street car. The other pictures are taken at the park across the street.

By the way, check out the links on the right for my jiu jitsu school and the cross fit gym Jeff and I joined.
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