A little flea market that made me happy on Sunday morning.
Weekend #1 in Nancy
I rented a bike to get around town during my stay. As a biking novice, I decided to get used to riding on the road in traffic during the weeknd when the traffic is much lighter...definetely a good decision. I'm feeling pretty confident after spending the weekend biking almost everywhere in town.
I don't, however, feel confident in my ability to speak french to university maintenance men. On Saturday, after a wonderful day spent exploring the city in the crisp fall weather, I returned to my room to relax before going back out for dinner. I soon discovered that every single electrical outlet in my room had stopped working. Great, I don't know the word for outlet or plug or electric and they aren't in my French 101 book or dictionary. After waiting for two hours for the front desk to open, I go there to explain my problem. With some difficulty, I convinced the clerk that I could NOT live without electrical outlets until monday and I then proceed to wait an additional two hours for university maintence men to arrive. I am reminded of several David Sedaris short stories as I attempt to communicate with them. They are trying to tell me that I should switch rooms for the weekend because they don't know how to fix the problem but are using fast, complicated french which I can't comprehend. They don't seem to understand "Parlez lentement" and "S'il vous plait, choisissez des mots facile" (translated "speak slowly" and "please chose easy words"). Finally I caught a student walking by who spoke english and she translated. Needless to say, I was pretty stressed out. Especially since I don't have phone or internet in my room, I felt pretty disconnected.
But, this morning, flea market to the rescue! There was a flea market in the "old town" outside the Porte de la Craffe. I found some great vintage postcards and everyone was very nice and friendly and I feeling much better now. The Lorrain region is rich with flea markets which means I can keep myself busy every weekend traveling to littles towns going to flea markets.

Glen: You can have your man purse if you move to Europe (at least London, Paris, or Nancy). I see them everywhere on seemingly heterosexual men. Or maybe its just a matter of time before the man purse makes its way to states...
Thanks Aunt Lisa,
I'll have a beer with Sam this weekend. I'm meeting him in Strasbourg. I'll post lots of good pictures when I return.
Hey Adrienne, just wanted to say happy birthday! Have fun in France...think of me in dreary erie, then you'll realize how lucky you are haha
Tell Sam "Hello" from all of us!
Have fun
Thanks for the birthday wishes Christine. You should look into your university's study abroad program. You could spend a whole semester in Europe. In alot of programs, you only get Pass/Fail grades and they teach in English in Denmark so you wouldn't need to learn a new laungue if you didn't want. Taking a semester abroad is one opportunity I wish I had taken when I was in college - there aren't that many times in your life where you gets those kind of chances.
Hope school is going well!
Hello Joan,
Thanks for the birthday wishes! Its too bad about the weather for the camping trip but aren't you glad you have the motor home?
I think man-purses really need to catch on. Then I won't have to be the one carrying the camera (because I have a purse) all the time.
Hi Adrienne,
just teaching dad how to send a message.
love, momm
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