I should be working but instead I'm at the coffee shop writing in my blog.

unrelated picture of the crew after loading Cathy and Randy's moving truck.
My primary task today was to measure protein and carbohydrates in samples collected by the undergrad working with me but I can't find the motivation to be in the lab. I'll be a slave to my new reactors very soon which makes me dread doing the lab work that needs done occasionally before that. My mind isn't in lab mode right now, its in writing mode which is good because that's what I've been doing for the last three months.
Anyway, I've been thinking about music and memories since this weekend when I went to watch a friend of a friend's band play. I really had no idea what to expect but my martial arts friends raved about them and I ended up at home alone on Saturday night so I went. It turns out they are a cover band - but the key thing is that their choice of songs is great. I had convinced myself for the last 10 years or so that I hate dancing. Not true, actually what I hate is the hoochie momma bump and grind kind of dancing that occurs at the dance clubs frequented by my (ex) girlfriends from high school. The band played some really great songs that made me HAVE to get up and dance from Weezer to Sublime to The Bangles. It was just fun music and a fun atmosphere.....and they played Walk Like an Egyptian.
The point of this blog entry is that I have memories associated with many of the songs I heard Saturday night. I often have problems remembering all the details of the memorable things that happen in my life but hearing the songs that I've associated with those memories brings the feeling of the good memory back. Thus, in a self-indulgent fit of nostalgia I've decide to list some of the key ones that just make me smile.
Walk Like an Egyptian - welcome back to 5th grade
the oak ridge boys, especially the christmas album - childhood memories of my mom, especially at christmas time. my first concert was the oak ridge boys.
polka music - summer trips to visit my grandparents in pennsylvania (see my thanksgiving blog)
Weezer, the blue album - dating S.H. in high school, I got a lifelong friend out of that relationship
Pearl Jam, all songs and albums through no code - hanging out with Scott, Ryan and Justin
Blister in the Sun - playing this song loudly on repeat from the stereo in my little red escort before softball games in high school
NIN, closer - driving to south point with the high school girls in jen's red beast of a grand am
Weezer, The Good Life - playing this song to wake up every morning for months my freshman year, my roommate hated it. Its possible I continued to do this just to annoy her, would I do something like that?
Weezer, Pinkerton - Me, scott, ryan and justin saw weezer at Bogarts's in cincy for the pinkerton tour. it turns out jeff and his friends from high school were there too.
Son of a Preacher Man - crazy vodka nights at Julie's apartment
311 - variety of memories from high school and college but the best ones are concerts Jeff and I went to followed closely by the florida trip Julie and I took.
Sublime - driving around cincy in jeff's berretta and smelling the ass-trees in the spring (long but not interesting story)
Rusted Root - makes me think of jeff and nate in college
The strokes - the best band I discovered in grad school
Lily Allen - although its not entrenched by time yet, I'm pretty sure this will make me think of working in the lab with Rachel
Okay, that's enough reminiscing for one day, back the world of EPS production modeling.

unrelated picture of the crew after loading Cathy and Randy's moving truck.
My primary task today was to measure protein and carbohydrates in samples collected by the undergrad working with me but I can't find the motivation to be in the lab. I'll be a slave to my new reactors very soon which makes me dread doing the lab work that needs done occasionally before that. My mind isn't in lab mode right now, its in writing mode which is good because that's what I've been doing for the last three months.
Anyway, I've been thinking about music and memories since this weekend when I went to watch a friend of a friend's band play. I really had no idea what to expect but my martial arts friends raved about them and I ended up at home alone on Saturday night so I went. It turns out they are a cover band - but the key thing is that their choice of songs is great. I had convinced myself for the last 10 years or so that I hate dancing. Not true, actually what I hate is the hoochie momma bump and grind kind of dancing that occurs at the dance clubs frequented by my (ex) girlfriends from high school. The band played some really great songs that made me HAVE to get up and dance from Weezer to Sublime to The Bangles. It was just fun music and a fun atmosphere.....and they played Walk Like an Egyptian.
The point of this blog entry is that I have memories associated with many of the songs I heard Saturday night. I often have problems remembering all the details of the memorable things that happen in my life but hearing the songs that I've associated with those memories brings the feeling of the good memory back. Thus, in a self-indulgent fit of nostalgia I've decide to list some of the key ones that just make me smile.
Walk Like an Egyptian - welcome back to 5th grade
the oak ridge boys, especially the christmas album - childhood memories of my mom, especially at christmas time. my first concert was the oak ridge boys.
polka music - summer trips to visit my grandparents in pennsylvania (see my thanksgiving blog)
Weezer, the blue album - dating S.H. in high school, I got a lifelong friend out of that relationship
Pearl Jam, all songs and albums through no code - hanging out with Scott, Ryan and Justin
Blister in the Sun - playing this song loudly on repeat from the stereo in my little red escort before softball games in high school
NIN, closer - driving to south point with the high school girls in jen's red beast of a grand am
Weezer, The Good Life - playing this song to wake up every morning for months my freshman year, my roommate hated it. Its possible I continued to do this just to annoy her, would I do something like that?
Weezer, Pinkerton - Me, scott, ryan and justin saw weezer at Bogarts's in cincy for the pinkerton tour. it turns out jeff and his friends from high school were there too.
Son of a Preacher Man - crazy vodka nights at Julie's apartment
311 - variety of memories from high school and college but the best ones are concerts Jeff and I went to followed closely by the florida trip Julie and I took.
Sublime - driving around cincy in jeff's berretta and smelling the ass-trees in the spring (long but not interesting story)
Rusted Root - makes me think of jeff and nate in college
The strokes - the best band I discovered in grad school
Lily Allen - although its not entrenched by time yet, I'm pretty sure this will make me think of working in the lab with Rachel
Okay, that's enough reminiscing for one day, back the world of EPS production modeling.
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