I might actually graduate.
I was cleaning out my inbox when I found a link to some pictures from a conference I went to last spring in San Fransisco.....what a great place for a conference. Petia is another graduate student (who also works on MBRs but anaerobic ones). Anyway, why was I cleaning out my inbox? Well, I finished all the writing I've been doing so now I'm back in the lab building MBRs. (Don't worry, I'll post pictures of my toys they're done. I will then expect the requisite ooohhing and aaahhing even if you're not impressed). The first thing that needs to happen is that my work life (desk, computer, lab space) needs cleaned and organized so I may proceed to wreck it again once my reactor run starts. Then its 5 months of long hours spent slaving over reactors before I can graduate. But, it might actually happen. Based on the timeline for phd completion I put in my prelim, I'm right on schedule.

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